Monday, July 8, 2013

Errors - Why Men Cheat

10 Explanations (and yet certainly not every one) Just Why Men Stray on The Women They Worship

I guess the easy answer is that they can.  Approximately one in two and a half men (no pun  intended), will cheat during their marriage.  Only 8 per cent of men who are unfaithful said it was as a consequence of sexual displeasure. On the other hand, 48 per cent of men who strayed said it was because of emotional dissatisfaction.

I can hazard a few guesses (not all from personal knowledge):

1. The primary reason for a regular relationship with a woman is regular sex with someone you don't want banging somebody else.  If you are paying the bills and waking up horny, something has to give.  Such as the widow woman down the block, or even your son's tutor.

2. Cheating men might have spouses who cheat.  Men also take revenge on their unfaithful wives, by having numerous relationships. Whether or not their wives are guilty, some men continue with their tricks. This is primarily done by men who don't want to forgive their spouses.

3. Many men have had a lovely woman in fact come on to them. How we handle it depends on several factors, marital status doubtless chief among them. Single? Great, hit it. Not single? You understand what the answer ought to be, but do you have the self-control? The sort of spouse or boyfriend who gives into this kind of temptation is often less skilled with women in spite of his being spoken for.  Self-discipline is way overestimated.

4. Other motives for unfaithfulness include a need for thrills or excitement, feeling bored to death by the sex they receive from their significant other, or feeling hesitant to reveal their intimate desires and fantasies with their spouse.

5. If a marriage starts off great and continues for years, individuals change.  She changed.  You changed.  And you cannot reconcile.  You don't love her anymore.  It's  agonizing, but it is time to move on.

6. Sometimes in a long-term relationship, individuals let themselves go. Maybe she’s gained a lot of weight, developed a drinking problem, or simply doesn't care anymore. The problem with familiarity is that you do not identify these things as they come about over time. Rather, you wake one day and notice the being sharing your house is a far cry from the young woman you first noticed and lusted after. Yet again, for some guys, it comes down to choosing between fixing a tricky dilemma or just chasing tail somewhere else.

7. Men also stray in part out of discontent with their relationship with their spouse. And, more accurately, a man's frustration with his relationship with his wife can hasten his determination to cheat. In some ways, this path is lazy, and in others, entirely easy to understand. When a man is enraged, entrenched, and unyielding, a distant wife provides no relief.

8. Every man has a basic human need to feel needed, and not just by his significant other, but by women in general. That’s why you clean yourself up when you are just going out with the boys. Even harmless flirting with an eye-catching member of the opposite sex might put a little additional jump in your stump.  That is okay, because it’s most likely your partner who will reap the rewards when you get home. For an insecure man, that will not be adequate. He needs to score in order to feel like a real man.

9. Some guys may find the routine of married life to be boring and dull. These men find it simplier and easier to move to a different relationship and feel the spark instead of finding methods of charging their relationships. The extra-marital relationship offers them a readymade and fresh experience, which is interesting enough to take the risk.

10. Guys are unfaithful because they need to, more than wish to.  Call it a pretext, but nature wins out.

One of the things women don’t fully grasp is that men exist in a society of infidelity. We can see it all around us. Every day.  We have associates who have strayed on their spouses. We have been on business trips where we went to strip clubs and our business partners proceded into the back room for more. We don’t tell our wives. A number of guys, and maybe even husbands, operate with the Vegas idea that what is disclosed among men remains among men.

The bottom line is that there is no decent method to cheat-proof your marriage, other than communicating, appreciating each other, and giving physical and emotional support on a consistent basis is a step in the right direction.

Women must know even more about why men lie and cheat on the women they love.  How to discover it.  How to end it.  How to alter it. ~

And maybe even before she commits, she needs to recognize how to seize his heart and make him love her forever.  You want to ask. Having said that, most men will lie repeatedly.  Barely 7 per cent will tell you without being asked. Even worse, about 86 per cent of men will lie even after being challenged with facts. ~

Tags: why do men cheat on their partners,why men lie,why men cheat