Saturday, October 20, 2012

Discover Qody's Redirector

Discover Qody's Redirector

Sadly, some of the absolute finest plugins are premium, not free of charge. John at has incorporated a number of Wordpress plugins that work in concert to earn money from your authority blogs and entire TLDs - WITHOUT having to post a banner or contextual affiliate link for the world to see.

1. A force to reckon with, Alejandro demands a lot of admiration - and consequently doesn't possess much sense of humor. He guarantees a complete effective acquiescence from each visitor, squeezing every final drop of profit out of the traffic.

2. In the standard version, upon certain triggers, visitors are sent to a full screen affiliate sales page or any other destination url of your choice, not a popup.

3. Straight-to-page forced redirect. The tried and true redirect action takes the visitor directly to the destination URL.

4. Trigger redirects from posts and pages.  The most basic of options, setting precise redirect rules for particular blog posts or site pages is the main way to get started.

5. The pro version of Alejandro permits you trigger a redirect when a visitor is viewing a trusted authority site, such as Wikipedia or the Huffington Post. When that visitor tries to leave, your own custom redirect is triggered - be it an advertisement popup, automatic redirect to an offer page, you name it.

6. While at first it may sound odd - the flexibility is immense. Intercept meaningless links in a blog post to popup a social request for fanpage "likes".

7. For free blog hosts like and article directories like that do not permit affiliate links, you can now link to your domain and have each page redirect to your affiliate links automatically.

Qody's Redirector might be one of the safest and paramount bets for building up niche blogs and earning money before your niche/expert reputation is recognized. As a rule, iframes are not indexed by the search spiders and should not be penalized.

Each post and page on your blog could immediately earn income.

My recommendation:

Purchase a single site license to give Qody's Redirector a thorough examination. Work it like a borrowed mule. Drive traffic from anywhere to this site. Make some money.

If you have multiple domains, a Qody Nexus membership may be more economical. ~

Full 30 day guarantee.

Even if you decide not to use the other plugins, you would be able to unsubscribe and nevertheless maintain use of your original redirector plugin.

For more information, visit or go directly to for various licenses and prices -

Charles Lamm

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